Degree Education Programs Sponsored by Ministry of Commerce PRC
Academic Education Programs Sponsored by Ministry of
Commerce PRC
I Program Introduction
(1) Basic Situation
A. Introduction
Degree Education Programs sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of People’s
Republic of China is designed to offer one-year and two-year master programs as well
as three-year doctoral programs for the purpose of educating inter-disciplinary talent
working in the applied fields of government, trade, foreign affairs, agriculture,
technology, education, culture and health, building intellectual capacity and
facilitating the economic and social development of the recipient countries since 2008.
These programs provide assistance to governmental officials, research fellows, and
senior managerial personnel on their master and doctor education in China, which are
fully conducted in English. Admission requirements include a bachelor’s degree,
relevant working experiences, and decent physical conditions, essential for the highcompact
curriculum needed for the degrees.